Swamp Meadow Covered Bridge

In Ramblings by dd-714@bigbillh.net

Hi All,

Rhode Island’s only covered bridge on a public road. That’s what the notes I’ve seen say. Evidently there are some other bridges but they are not considered covered because they are not constructed correctly. Something about truss style construction.

Anyway, Here are a few pics of it. The gentleman that has a house adjacent to the bridge was kind enough to allow me to take a few pics from his yard too.

I don’t usually manipulate the photo’s I put up but wanted these to be a bit above normal.
Adjusted the color and the exposure a bit, cropped a bit too on a couple of them.

Added three more pics tonight. 7/20

Hope you like them, if not, Don’t look Ethyl, heheheheh

Thanks for visiting,


PS. The slide show is automatic unless you place the cursor over the picture which will pause the slideshow. Click the arrows to right or left to go to the next slide.