RI Scottish Festival June 11, 2016

In Photo Ops, Ramblings by dd-714@bigbillh.net

Hi Ya!
Spent a couple of quick hours at the festival. Til it started to rain that is. And rain it did do too. While it was spitting and sputtering it wasn’t too bad but once it got serious it was time to leave. Of course you just KNOW we took the bikes there. Just a wee bit uncomfortable it was.
Anyway, I think I found out I belong to Clan MacKinnon and we like to listen to the drums and bagpipes so it wasn’t anywhere near a bust for the day. We had fun and took a few nice pics too. Meredith got some even better ones than I did but she’s better at it.
Hope you like these pics I’m posting. Click on the smaller pic to see it full size and rotated.

Have a good’on,



Period clothing



Another period clothing group. Don’t know which periods they are dressed as.





Various Clan badges.






Sabre dance competition.


Caber toss competition. See the note at the bottom about this old Scottish sport.




Ed Note:

The primary objective is to toss the caber so that it turns end over end, falling away from the tosser. Ideally it should fall directly away from the tosser in the “12 o’clock” position. The distance thrown is unimportant.

The tosser balances the caber upright, tapered end downwards, against his or her shoulder and neck; the caber being supported by stewards or fellow-competitors while being placed into position. The tosser then crouches, sliding his interlocked hands down the caber and under the rounded base, and lifts it in his cupped hands. On standing he must balance the caber upright – no easy feat with the heavier end at the top, and less-experienced tossers may be unable to stop the caber falling to one side after lifting it. The tosser then walks or runs a few paces forward to gain momentum, and flips the tapered end upwards so that the large end hits the ground first and – if well tossed – the caber falls directly away from the tosser.

In competition, tossers are normally allowed three attempts each at tossing the caber.

Weight and strength are clearly essential for success, but technique is also important for balancing the caber when lifting it, and flipping up the held (tapered) end to promote a clean toss.

From wiki on the caber toss.